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Welo Customer Perspective — Guest Blog Post

By: Alexandre Damiani | CEO at Recomendo Business Networking

Networking is increasingly humanized and personalized and has become the only way to grow, learn and survive in the world of business and deliver results. It’s the new trend in business, not just a fad. This phenomenon reflects a new business lifestyle, where interpersonal relationships and genuine connection between people play a fundamental role in professional success. Below are 10 key points that highlight this transformation:

  1. Emphasis on Personal Relationships: Business interactions are evolving towards a model more centered on human relationships, where trust, empathy and authenticity are valued.
  2. Personalizing Connections: Instead of generic approaches, connections are now made based on common interests, shared values ​​and aligned goals.
  3. Valuing Individuality: People are more inclined to connect with authentic and unique individuals, rather than just companies or brands.
  4. Emphasis on Active Listening: Humanized networking values ​​the ability to listen and understand the needs and concerns of other people, seeking to offer appropriate solutions and support.
  5. Encouraging Collaboration: Business relationships are no longer limited to a transactional exchange, but encourage mutual collaboration, sharing of resources and ongoing support.
  6. Creating Communities: Humanized networking involves creating communities where members help each other, share knowledge and experiences, and promote collective growth.
  7. Valuing Offline and Online Networking: Although technology plays an important role, face-to-face interactions remain essential for building meaningful and lasting connections.
  8. Focus on the Longevity of Relationships: Instead of just seeking momentary contacts, humanized networking prioritizes the building of long-term relationships, based on trust and reciprocity.
  9. Transparency and Honesty: Transparent and honest communication is fundamental to building solid and lasting relationships, where expectations are clear and mutual interests are respected.
  10. Positive Impact on Business: Humanized networking not only strengthens social ties, but also boosts business growth, generating opportunities for collaboration, partnerships and new customers.

Networking has changed and is increasingly humanized and personalized. This represents a significant shift in the way business is conducted, placing people at the center of business relationships and promoting a more collaborative, authentic and sustainable approach to business success.

Originally published in Portuguese on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/networking-al%25C3%25A9m-de-vendas-alexandre-damiani–mwigc

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